Email notifications can be switched on to inform and update patrons and staff on event registrations, postponements and cancellations. They are also used for room booking requests and confirmations. Staff can also receive email notifications relating to actions required in Attend and Reserve.
Email notifications are sent from our default address and domain
You can use a custom domain for email notifications, but the email 'name' donotreply can not be changed.
1. Submit a support request with the domain you would like to use.
2. Communico will supply you with two text records, similar to these but with your custom hostname, domain key and domain key string. Below are examples only and not intended for use.
Value: v=spf1 ~all
Value: k=rsa; p=<domain key string>
3. Add the supplied text records to the DNS for the domain you intend to use.
4. Inform Communico when this has been done.
5. Once Communico has verified the domain, we will let you know and the new email domain can then be used.